What's new, boy is that ever a loaded question. There's only one answer to that question and it has to be everything. I think I'm honest in saying that in 2013 God has made everything new for me. Now I know how that sounds, but the truth doesn't always come across as a main stream thought. I've realized this year that the majority of Christians are so far from truly grasping what is available to them it's heart breaking. In order for there to be a Great Awakening in the Church in America there first has to be a Great Reckoning. Now hold on just a minute, before you shout out "Lord bring the rain" let me explain what I mean by reckoning. The church today is full of a bunch of people that know the truth, have read the truth, would even say they enjoy the truth but have never come to a place where they have reckoned it to be true in their lives. The Church is in need of a Day of Reckoning. Over the next number of posts I'm going to talk about what that would look like and how I believe it is possible even in a day where relative truth is a more popular phrase then absolute truth. Ok that's it for now, more to come.