Monday, April 1, 2013


Well it's Monday morning the day after our two Easter services in Lebanon and in Corvallis.  I woke up this morning thinking, "I don't feel any different."  I'm not sure how I am suppose to feel?  Does one feel different after coming off a spiritual high?  The question I wrestle with is; isn't this how we are suppose to feel all the time.  Living a life for Christ IS a spiritual high! 

There was a time when I use to dress up for Easter service, put on my best suit and tie and represent.  Not sure what I was representing, but I looked good.  It's not that one can't dress nice, I think the problem I have is when one thinks that God appreciates it when we dress nice.  Really? Does God care about what we're wearing or does He care more that we think that what we're wearing really matters to Him? Did you follow that?  Easter isn't about the show, it's about the after party.  Our lives are a representation of our relationship with Him.  What we do at the show is nice, but how we live our life is really the truth about what we believe. 

What I love about the people that gather together at the River Center is that they get it.  They understand that our outward expression is not what matters and it's not that some of our folks don't dress up on occasion.  It's just that when they do they know its just dressing up.  When people have a genuine relationship with Jesus their heart is his.  My wife sent me a text this morning with three simple words, "I heart you."  Too some that may not make sense, but to me it meant the world.  Just so you know I replied back, "I heart you too."  Jesus has transformed our hearts, Easter is about transformation from death to life, from a dead heart to a heart that beats for Him. 

The Morning After may not have been anything different, but that's O.K. because everyday I'm reminded that my life is different.

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