Tuesday, May 28, 2013

People on Mission Part #4

It's been a little while since my last post, no excuses to follow just stating the facts.  We spent a few days praying and fasting here in May and as always God revealed some pretty cool truths to us.  A thought I wanted to share that relates to the theme of my past few blogs about being a people on mission was Praise is to Prayer as Prayer is to Mission.  Ok, let me explain.  We often times enter into a time of prayer offering up specific needs, I'm not saying that's wrong the Bible very clearly tells us to "Ask, and it will be given to you..." (Matt 7:7a).  When we begin with Praise our attention turns from our needs to the one that has met all our needs.  Praise is ALL about Him; praise positions us in a place where we enter prayer with thanksgiving.  It's what Jesus said to the disciples when they asked how to pray, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:9-10) Praise positions us to elevate Him and exalt Him and thank Him for the victory we have in Him. 

Prayer is similar to mission.  Prayer puts us in a position to be on mission.  We have this saying, "Together on Mission," but first it begins with being together in prayer.  One thing I admire about our family of churches is that whenever we're together we pray.  We understand that in order for us to be on mission together we need to pray together. 

A people on mission are a people that praise and pray together.
